
Mon Nov 28 14:45:39 2022 (*b05743e5*):: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/covid-lockdown-protests-erupt-beijing-xinjiang-after-deadly-fire *** COVID Lockdown Protests Erupt In Beijing, Xinjiang After Deadly Fire *** Protestors from Urumqi were singing China‘s national anthem while waving a flag… *** ZeroHedge (*3bd42332*):: +public! (*b05743e5*):: will they go “hot” soon to make the people forget the lockdowns with nah-shona-listic feelz?

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Sun Nov 27 02:52:46 2022 (*b05743e5*):: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/covid-lockdown-protests-erupt-beijing-xinjiang-after-deadly-fire *** COVID Lockdown Protests Erupt In Beijing, Xinjiang After Deadly Fire *** Protestors from Urumqi were singing China‘s national anthem while waving a flag… *** ZeroHedge (*3bd42332*):: +public!

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Fri Nov 25 18:47:49 2022 (*3bd42332*):: (*6952cd93*):: holohoax, sandy hoax, 9/11 inside job- I’m gonna get my twitter account back for a day before i’m perma banned again :joy: +public! (*3bd42332*):: NO DENYING HOLODOMOR (*6952cd93*):: Well they don’t want you talking about Holodomor unless it’s about killing Russians in revenge. You’re supposed to forget the

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Fri Nov 25 18:05:48 2022 (*3bd42332*):: (*6952cd93*):: holohoax, sandy hoax, 9/11 inside job- I’m gonna get my twitter account back for a day before i’m perma banned again :joy: +public! (*6952cd93*):: Well they don’t want you talking about Holodomor unless it’s about killing Russians in revenge. You’re supposed to forget the part that it was

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