Mon Sep 11 18:37:32 2023 (*6952cd93*):: These people don’t actually care about carbon emissions. They want to just kill energy consumption and by extension the global economy. That’s all there is to it. Look at this, they are pissed that hydrocarbon engineers are figuring out a loophole with their arbitrary carbon cap rules. They should be happy that it’s possible to keep burning oil and still be carbon neutral by their own made up rules about human caused climate change. But instead they hate the fact that an oil company found a way to do an end run around their plan to kill the global economy and bring in global communism and world government. The commies are gonna have to come up with another plan haha. They’ll probably just focus 100% on biowarfare. https://www.npr.org/2023/09/08/1198373683/sucking-carbon-dioxide-out-of-the-sky-is-moving-from-science-fiction-to-reality +public! *** Sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky is moving from science fiction to reality *** Occidental Petroleum is investing in billion-dollar projects to suck carbon dioxide out of the sky. The effort is raising hopes — and eyebrows. *** NPR