Sat Sep 23 05:20:56 2023 (*6952cd93*):: Inflation Reduction Act openly increases inflation and is a “climate bill” according to this demon himself. Something needs to be done about this fucking freak and everyone that goes along with this trash before it’s too late https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/22/bill-gates-republicans-for-climate-change-action-are-gold.html
When Gates interacts with philanthropists who are investing in climate, he encourages those who have relationships with Republicans to work with them to try to increase their commitment to climate. “I think that’s extremely valuable,” he said.
and what kind of language is this? “investing in climate?” they’re trying to pretend this fake fraud shit is a legit asset class.
Everyone pushing this shit needs to be arrested for racketeering. Biggest criminal racket and fraud the world has ever seen +public! *** Bill Gates: ‘Republicans for climate change action are gold’ *** Bill Gates talked during New York Climate Week about why it’s critical that the US maintain its investment in clean technology across many administrations. *** CNBC
(*6952cd93*):: This guy gets billions in free gov money from that retarded bill and calls planting trees anti-science. What the fuck man, how do people buy this shit? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bill-gates-gets-real-climate-183537358.html +public!
Gates, however, was skeptical of other recent tactics used to mitigate climate change. He said it was “complete nonsense” that planting enough trees would take care of the climate problem. “Are we science people or are we idiots?” Gates asked rhetorically. Instead of unproven methods like planting trees, Gates said he prefers carbon taxes as ways to fund future green technologies, in particular carbon capture, which aims to take CO2 out of the atmosphere.
Planting trees is unproven, guys… but carbon taxes are proven… to line his fucking pockets and control our lives :the_rope: :the_rope: :the_rope: :the_rope: :the_rope: :the_rope: *** Bill Gates gets real about climate change: Planting trees is ‘complete nonsense’ but the end of the oil and gas era is finally in sight *** The billionaire says he’s “the person who’s doing the most” on climate innovation and solution and trees are a distraction. “Are we science people or are we idiots?” *** Yahoo Finance