
Wed Oct 11 14:15:44 2023 (*54b3f3ac*):: got the link for that? (*4297a328*):: https://www.un.org/en/holocaustremembrance (*54b3f3ac*):: ya its not oin there (*54b3f3ac*):: thats the only one i found too but def nothin about what the tweet claims (*4297a328*):: (*4297a328*):: It’s a specific paper (*4297a328*):: https://web.archive.org/web/20181202215245/http://www.un.org/en/holocaustremembrance/docs/paper32.html (*4297a328*):: Archive running a bit slow (*4297a328*):: Lmk if you have luck

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Tue Oct 10 13:41:10 2023 (*4297a328*):: :triggered: +public! (*54b3f3ac*):: U try putting American flas in there? (*4297a328*):: :triggered: +public! (*54b3f3ac*):: U try putting American flas in there? (*4297a328*):: From my perspective, it doesnt even matter… but that’s another discussion for another time (*4297a328*):: We cannot be passively anti-communist. We must be actively anti-communist

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