
Fri Jan 20 22:25:20 2023 (*3bd42332*):: https://rmx.news/france/victory-against-cohen-familys-great-replacement-scheme-in-rural-french-village-of-callac/ *** Victory against Cohen family’s Great Replacement scheme in rural French village of Callac *** A plan to settle up to 70 refugee families in the rural French town of Callac has been withdrawn after mass protests from residents. The local government’s decision to cancel the project, which

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Fri Jan 20 04:42:27 2023 (*6952cd93*):: https://nypost.com/2023/01/19/people-should-drink-less-coffee-to-combat-climate-change-study-says/amp/ :clown_face: they even say coffee pods are better for the climate than regular filters :clown_face: +public! *** People should drink less coffee to combat climate change, study says *** Canadian researchers analyzed coffee’s “contribution to climate change” in a piece published in early January and suggested people moderate their consumption

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Fri Jan 13 18:07:52 2023 (*6952cd93*):: greta mad :greta: https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/01/scientists-image-remains-of-volcanic-burst-that-triggered-massive-warming/ +public! (*6952cd93*):: ^ look at the clowny comments bitching that “denialists” will use this lmaooo. *** New imaging finds trigger for massive global warming 56 million years ago *** 56 million years ago, hot magma scorched the sediments under the Atlantic seafloor. *** Ars Technica

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