
Mon Feb 20 09:07:31 2023 (*6952cd93*):: this is fascinating- soviets had some formidable and brutal female troops, especially the snipers and pilots, but also artillery and infantry and this apparently particularly triggered the nazis’ as it was against their values to put women on the front line. But when they captured them, instead of mercy,

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Mon Feb 20 08:15:23 2023 (*3bd42332*):: Happy monday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY00FF7HLZY *** The Unspeakable Things The Bolsheviks Did During Their Reign *** YouTube (*6952cd93*):: +public! (*6952cd93*):: this shit is just endlessly fascinating, especially because nobody learned anything from this and now we have neo-Bolshevik freaks grabbing control of the entire planet using the same game plan but

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Fri Feb 17 22:20:58 2023 (*6952cd93*):: why don’t we call it Synthetic Intelligence? Or Artificial Biology? https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/those-who-master-artificial-intelligence-synthetic-biology-will-be-master-world-klaus +public! *** Those Who ‘Master’ Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology Will Be “Master Of The World”: Klaus Schwab *** “Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different…” *** ZeroHedge

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Sun Feb 5 18:09:01 2023 (*4cfb807c*):: +public! Message to US Citizens: don’t let the US Air Force have all the fun. Shoot down Chinese aircraft for your own fun and profit too! https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/china-reacts-strong-dissatisfaction-after-us-shot-down-spy-balloon *** China Reacts With “Strong Dissatisfaction” After US Shot Down Spy Balloon *** “For the United States to insist on using armed

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