
Thu Sep 28 01:22:39 2023 (*4297a328*):: https://gab.com/MorpheusMAGA/posts/111138829481896690 *** Morpheus MAGA on Gab: ‘On December 12, 2022 In Senegal, West Africa, a …’ *** Morpheus MAGA on Gab: ‘On December 12, 2022 In Senegal, West Africa, a mob attacked a United Nations vehicle and discovered it was full of kidnapped children. These kids were most likely

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Wed Sep 27 12:10:46 2023 (*4297a328*):: https://www.foxnews.com/media/jp-morgan-ceo-suggests-government-seize-private-property-quicken-climate-initiatives i’m pretty good at avoiding clickbait but this one got me *** JPMorgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiatives *** JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon floated the idea of the U.S. government and corporations seizing private property to expedite achieving their climate agenda. ***

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Sat Sep 23 05:20:56 2023 (*6952cd93*):: Inflation Reduction Act openly increases inflation and is a “climate bill” according to this demon himself. Something needs to be done about this fucking freak and everyone that goes along with this trash before it’s too late https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/22/bill-gates-republicans-for-climate-change-action-are-gold.html When Gates interacts with philanthropists who are investing in climate, he

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