
Tue Apr 30 00:50:50 2024 (*4e3d9761*):: https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1785039989434204385 *** Quds News Network (@QudsNen) on X *** Zionists threw a backpack full of mice into the UCLA encampment.
Mice appear to have been injected with something, according to protesters.
Credit: @SabihaKhan *** X (formerly Twitter) default icon efwbQo-FWcVEaauP.jpglarge
(*097dfbf6*):: (*097dfbf6*):: IDF mice soldiers deployed (*4e3d9761*):: https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1785039989434204385 *** Quds News Network (@QudsNen) on X *** Zionists threw a backpack full of mice into the UCLA encampment.
Mice appear to have been injected with something, according to protesters.
Credit: @SabihaKhan *** X (formerly Twitter) (*097dfbf6*):: +public! default icon efwbQo-FWcVEaauP.jpglarge
(*ea8266d6*):: Black plague 2.0

(*097dfbf6*):: lol awesome, AI information warfare is quickly becoming my favorite past time

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